made for love

Made for Love - show package

Title Sequence

Started as a school project of rebranding, so I chose my recent favorite HBO show-- Made for Love. Since Made for Love currently does not have a title sequence, The creation of the title sequence will be based on the concept of the show and some audience feedback.
After reviewing a couple of episodes of the show, I noticed that Hazel is under her husband‘s watch whether she is in the hub or out in the real world. So "the eye" would be the constant center of the title sequence. Since Hazel is the center of the show and drama, I think it would be perfect to use a ball to represent her, as the eyeball of" the eye."
Therefore, there will be no human figures be presented in the title sequence. However, this abstract ball would go through a journey that is similar to Hazel's experience.

Keywords: love, heaven, change, reality


Tool kit - advertising

For the toolkit, after reviewingHBO's advertising strategy, I noticed that HBO loves to use some clips of the show and give short but exciting information, to get viewers' attention. After reviewing their current social media content, and the trailer of Made for Love,I think the split screen is a perfect fit for this show's advertising.
In the trailer footage, Hazel and her husband talked to each other, and they presented utterly opposite opinions of their life and love. Following HBO's usual advertising path, I would combine footage with design elements from the title sequence to make the toolkit package more stylish and flavored. Therefore, the size ratio will be 9:16 and 1:1.

Show package

Montage combination of title sequence and toolkit.
This is the first time I made 90% of work only in After Effect, including style frames. This was definitely a lot of challenge and fun. If you're someone from HBO, please, don't hesitate tale to me, I would love to make this to be on the real show. ;)

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