2023 - Animated Visual Journal

Series Concept

While teaching as an illustration professor at SCAD, I love creating visual storytelling based on my daily life. Practicing visual journaling using animated illustrations gives my audience full storytelling, making it more intriguing and fun.

I used phone portrait size for this series to connect with my audience on social media.

MY INstagram

Hot summer Savannah


Savannah has been extreme hot this year, feeling like 110F every single day this summer.

A trip to Costco


Have ya'll been to Costco?
It's a fun trip to walk in there, but a pain to get out. Yep, that was how I felt.

Stepping in August


Hi August! 你好,八月!8️⃣🍁🍃.
Before even notice, we step in August, in this hot summer.

A peach in backyard


😎🍑😎Spotted a wild summer peach in my back yard having a summer drink😎🍑😎.
How cool is that?!

This was an experiment to use 3d camera tracking on animated illustration.

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